Sunday, February 7, 2010

Night of Februrary 6th, 2010

This evening began with me driving down the interstate in a brown convertible. I was driving erratically and I eventually knocked the left side mirror of the side of the car by running into the side of a building. There were two wires exposed and there were sparks coming off of them. Apparently wires were conducting electricity because there was lightning that kept following me around. I remember driving towards a mechanic to get the car fixed and I saw 7-8 distinct tornadoes in the distance. I spoke with the man in the sketchy mechanic's office however he did not have the part available for the car. I left out of there headed north on the interstate trying to avoid the tornadoes. I found myself driving through a small town in which I stopped at a small store to use the restroom. I remember walking through a restaurant type place on my way. I saw a set of stairs descending down into a dining room in the middle of the hall. After trying to leave, I found myself walking through a small bar in the restaurant towards the exit. The bartender was handing one man a plunger for some reason. I exited the restaurant and began to drive back home.

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