Saturday, February 6, 2010

Night of February 5th, 2010

This evening, I had two specific dreams, but can only remember one of them. It started with me walking down the interstate. There were no cars but it was broad daylight, about 2-3pm I suppose. I found myself walking into an abandoned parking lot with a mobile home in the center. I walked up the stairs and gazed at the door for a second and then walked in. I found a good friend of mine who is much older sitting at a desk with 3 or 4 parcels sitting to his right. The office was messy and filled with incomplete forms and paperwork. There was trash all over the floor but I did manage to find a place to sit down and talk. Apparently, my friend was the manager/owner of some large amusement park chain and he was having difficulties deciding what to do with two of his roller coasters that he owned at the park. I opened one of the boxes that were to my right and I found that they were filled with strange dome shaped pipe connectors, whatever they were supposed to be used for. Next I found myself walking with another friend to what looked like the entrance to an arcade. We were actually there to test all of the machines and make sure that they worked completely. I approached a machine in which SuperMario music was blaring loudly. I began to play and after some time, won the game on level 18. I was given a cash prize. There were many other arcade games scattered, but one in particular didn't look like a game at all. It was a puzzle box, large and black. The game proceeded with every correct adjustment to the pieces. We were forbidden to approach the game and play it...

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