Saturday, January 30, 2010

Night of January 28th, 2010

This dreamy evening began with me and a friend of mine walking through the tunnel outside of our dorm going out into the parking lot. There was a patio and chairs sitting there, so we say down and began to chat. As I looked up into the sky, there were clouds everywhere; dark, black clouds...but the temperature was warm. It was nighttime by the way, exactly 12:34am to be precise. All of a sudden the clouds magically started flowing southward and revealed the sun! The sun was bright and yellow and honestly we couldn't understand why the sun was shining so brilliantly at 12:40am. For some reason or another, I pulled out a bag of TeddyGrams and began to share them with my friend. The TeddyGrams specifically were plain with chocolate on the eyes. I found myself going into Wait Chapel and attending some sort of marriage counseling conference (for marriage counselors; it was a teaching conference). I knew two specific people there and was approached by one of them with a bag of pretzels. I declined the offer and continued to walk out of the chapel to the Pit (cafeteria) to meet my friend for dinner. I walked in and continued around the islands deciding what to eat. I then decided on a "carribean jerk taco" dish. I asked for it "To-Go" however there were no to-go boxes available. I sat down with my friend and then another friend came to sit with us as well. They were all talking about how I know so many people in Winston-Salem. I woke up at the point before I took my first bite of dinner.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Night of January 28th, 2010

So, this evening began with me walking happily into a small village with cobblestone streets. The sun was shining, and it just felt good to be there. I was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and was on my way to a restaurant at the corner of the next block. The time was close to 7-8am and there were not many people around except for inside the restaurant. I entered the double-doors on the outside of the corner restaurant and the place was booming. There was nobody "eating" in the restaurant but it was simply extremely social. I remember walking to the right of the median and sitting down with a pleasant gentleman with the name John. Apparently, strangely, we were all there to be taught a lesson in the Greek language. I remember taking a music CD which had Greek Top 40 hits on it to the front of the restaurant, placing it inside a DVD player and watching my old Economics teacher run to the front of the "class" and begin singing the song. He did not speak to me, but rather gave me a cold shoulder...I left the restaurant and there were clouds in the sky. I walked towards the left down the cobblestone street from whence I came.

The second dream was kind of strange as well. I remember standing backstage of an incredibly large and up-scale fine arts performance of some kind, I believe it may have been a singer. We (the few backstage hands) were constantly moving items back and forth between the stage and the backstage area. A friend of mine (Karen) was actually performing with the singer this evening and I remember her performance dress...a long, flowing white gown with silver stitching down the sides. I remember going into the audience and taking another friend (Sandra) and running her to the backstage area where the stagehands were, we needed her help moving some things quickly. After we began moving a rather large box, we realized that we were too late, the singer began singing and the piano accompaniment had begun, we were too late.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Night of January 27th, 2010

Tonight's dream was extremely short, but still extremely strange. I found myself dressed in an all black suit, walking into a rather large building. I stepped through an ornate set of double-doors and saw 1000's of people sitting in what looked like a church. This congregation so to speak was wearing all black, and I later found out that it was a very high profile funeral which was being led by my old pastor Steve from my original home town. I remember turning my head to the left and seeing 6-7 rows of people with distinct facial features. The men were dressed in suits and all had a black tie, the women in floor length dresses. There was one man in particular which I recognized, but can't place a name to him. He was bald, and was the only one out of those 40-50 or so people standing up. I saw him sit and face forward. There was Steve at the front of the congregation speaking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. It was very dark and dull, no too exciting and just all around sad. I didn't enjoy being a part of this group of people, I felt out of place and scared.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Night of January 26th, 2010

My dream last night was quick and simple. I was driving on the interstate with my little brother, on my way to a Weight Watchers meeting. For some reason or another, we had to exit to the right on a ramp with a sign that read "Linville." I'm not sure why I was going to Linville, but, I digress. We went into the building and I signed in, saw a friend of mine there, and then woke up...not too interesting, I told you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Night of January 25th, 2010

My dream started off this evening with me in the driver's seat to my mother's Chevy Suburban. We (My little brother, mom and I) were driving home from Elizabeth City, NC and the time was exactly 10:08pm. I remember specifically that she said, "Yay, we are going to be home by midnight." About that time, the rain began to pour and it was very difficult to see anything around me. The windshield wipers were on full blast but it didn't seem to help me see infront of me, except for one triangular area of space (I saw tail lights). Soon, we came to an intersection/stop light and there were college-aged people (about 13-15 total) sitting peacefully in the rain dancing and singing loudly to the music blaring from their car. Then, one male individual from the group got out of the car and began to walk towards our vehicle. He began to dance strangely in front of the car and I gave him a strange wave of my hand which symbolized nothing but confusion (I even asked my brother if he witnessed my lack of motor skills). We kept driving, but only seeing that small triangular area ahead of us and a set of tail lights in the pouring rain.

The second dream was a little weirder and strange. It took place at my old home on the Outer Banks. I had been strapped down to a chair in which I was being tortured with drippings of hot wax on my face. The wax was going to harden and eventually suffocate me so for some reason I kept swishing my hand over the front of my face dramatically and helplessly. It didn't seem to help. The wax was dripping from a candle which was floating magically above my head with a black plastic garbage bag attached to it (I kept saying the torturer was "Nana" but I don't know what that means, it was a male). Secondly, after I was released from the "device," not having perished, was laid onto a bed (my little brother's old bed) and was set to watch television. I kept noticing wires attached to the coils of the mattress. The wires were connected to a large machine just to the right of me underneath the television screen and was being maintained by a lady at a switchboard. She had been asked, "When the time comes, we are going to turn this baby on full-blast). This could only mean one thing, I was going to be electrocuted. Another friend of mine was on the other bed in the room and she had no idea what had just gone on. I managed to coax her out of the room just long enough to say that the person that was in the room was not necessarily nice, but has been torturing me for 3 days. The friend began to cry in utter surprise. Then, another person I know walked down the hall with one of his friends and asked if I needed to talk. The last thing I remember is telling everyone to be quiet and I shut the other bedroom door behind us to discuss a plan of action...